The Geomil Manta-100 allows for cutting edge geotechnical surveys to be conducted in very deep waters. These groundbreaking seabed CPT …Lees verder
Down-The-Hole CPT & Soil Sampling System
The Orca-90/125 is a down-hole CPT and soil sampling system compatible with several types of drilling methods and used in rig-move campaigns and helicopter moves. The Orca-90/125 allows for real-time data and has proven to ensure high efficiency and repeatable quality of test results. The Orca-90/125 can reach water depths of up to 3000m and can be supported by a Marlin seabed system.
The Orca-90/125 system consists of three separate down-the-hole tools:
The Orca-CPT Tool is able to perform downhole CPT’s at a maximum thrust force of 125 kN. The system supports standard 10cm² cones and optional cones are available for 5 cm² and 15cm². The Orca-CPT Tool is available with stroke lengths of 1.50 and 3.00m.
The Orca-PST Piston Sampler allows undisturbed in-situ soil samples in soft ground conditions (Ø 3” or Ø100 mm, L = 1 m) to be obtained.
The Orca-PSH Push Sampler is suitable for soil and sediment (Ø3” or Ø100 mm, L = 1 m).
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